One of my biggest passions is colour.
It's everywhere, it's what makes the world a beautiful place. It's also something that I always have in mind when I design. Don't get me wrong, I love classic black and white, but it's just comes alive when a dash of raspberry red or aqua blue, even pistachio green. Creating a colour palette is one of my biggest passions. I find nothing more soothing than playing around with my Pantone fan, experimenting with colour, seeing what colours look great together, and also discovering what's not so great. For those who may be unaware of Pantone, is a HUGE colour directory for everything, from fabric, to interiors, to paper.
A lot of people say to me, "But your so good with colour". I actually tend to disagree to a degree, yes I have had a lot of experience with colour, but what I love is not always eye capturing for someone else.
I wanted to show you all my favourite colours, as I said MY FAVOURITE colours. Some of you may look and say, no not for me, others may like my taste. I think beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I like bright, airy, and fresh colours that don't feel suffocating.

The deep sea blue is a big colour in my house, a large feature wall in my living room. The nude represents the light timber furniture and vinyl wrap in the kitchen. The other colours are my highlights, colours I tend to gravitate to when decorating. Mind you my house is so far from being decorated to how I want it, it's like everyone's home a work in progress.
I am concentrating this year a lot on colour, and I would love to know what your colour passions are.
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