I was reading one of my favourite blogs today honey and fizz and it was titled,
Mind you I didn't have to think twice about it.

Ahhh Mark Wahlberg, it started with Marky Mark and the Funky bunch, and has kind of continued from there. I have always watched him & liked him, and watched his movies, some of my savouries The departed, and the awesome Boogie Nights. My crush reignited with one of my favourite movies, the remake of "The Italian Job", and I have crushed him again ever since, he is also pretty amazing in The Fighter as well.

Need I say more....21 Jump Street, Edward Scissorhands, Cry baby, Don Juan DeMarco, Chocolat, Pirates, Sweeny Todd, Alice in Wonderland. the list goes on. He is just getting better with age sigh....

Oh Hugh, handsome, genuine, married, family man, sense of humour, and the most important Australian. A role model for any man, what's not to love, he melted most girls hearts after nearly eye gauging himself on the Oprah show, he just got up and brushed it off. A strong man.
On a buying trip many moons in NYC I saw Hugh turn up to work when he was doing Boy From OZ. It was a side street off Broadway and women were everywhere screaming his name. It was hard to not get caught up in the frenzy, just to see his face. I managed to get some great shots of him which I am going to share one day. Back then I had a regular camera so they are in an album, somewhere.

So who is your crush?
You have some great pics there. johnny is a little wiered for me - and i would have to add George Clooney to the list!
Oh Johnny Depp, yummy, yummy, yummy!
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