Apologies in advance for my lady bird obsession this week, just in case you're over it, but it has created a fun & fulfilling creative spark. With such inspiration I have also started 2 new products for my shop which is in the pipe line, and I will show off later.
After suffering a bad stomach bug for the last two days, of all damn weeks, it's time to share some more of my party selections for Charlotte's first birthday. If you haven't read part one of this post you can do so here.
I used the lady bird & toad stools on her birthday invite, and printed it on 100% cotton for her to make a party bunting. I am sure it will look great around the table.

I am loving it as it will finish up in her bedroom after Saturday.

Next I am going to attempt to make some toad stool cookies. The cookie cutter I wanted to buy was sold out so I have had to improvise, making my own toad stool cutter from card. Will work out just as well, however may take a little longer as I will have to cut out each one individually. Wasn't sure what cookie recipe to use, so I have opted for the popular smartie biscuit recipe, but I obviously won't be using the smarties. I found these cute designs from the good fairy.

Lastly I am borrowing this sweet drink idea that I found on taste, Apple, bannana and Cranberry punch. Looks so yummy, think I will have some myself.

Next thing for me to work on are some gifts for pass the parcel, pin the nose on the lady bird, and of course what to pop in those party loot bags.
I am getting excited.
1 comment:
the bunting looks awesome.
Hope you're doing a massive jug of that punch mmmmmm
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