I have a spare room in my house right at the front, it doesn't have any doors on it, it's more of a show room actually. To be quite frank with you, its useless. Always wanting a place to be alone, which is almost impossible with two babies, the dream and determination to have something has resulted in trying to create my own library, a little sanctuary I guess one would call it. The last few weeks I have been planning this dream library in my house.
I love books, they are my way of leaving the place that I am at, it could be a juicy novel, or dreamy and inspiring design books, it just fills my mind with other thoughts. A perfect place you could say. I have always loved the library of Nile's, on the sitcom Frasier. So grand, large & the best part is the ladders that glides along the shelving, getting you from one reference to another. MMM I don't think I will be having a library on that scale.
Looking for inspiration I found these amazing libraries.

This library looks so cosy and inviting. I love how the green curtain could be dragged across to hide the books creating a whole new space. Oh, and I love the ladder.
Now my library is not on this scale by any means, it will be cosy & tiny that's a guarantee. After a visit to IKEA, and a tonne of book shelves later, here is the beginning of my own little in home library. I definitely knew what I wanted in my head, all the shelves to sit in the corner, and not all the same height or width. I wanted to create some interest and opportunity to find some new artwork to hang later on.

Here is the room, see that window? Well that is the front of my house.
These gerbra pictures are not my favourite at all now. They used to be up in my old house & suited it perfectly. But because I went from an 11sq house to 34square house I had to fill spaces with everything I owned. The rest of the stuff is just kids things that should be put away.

One shelf on it's way.

All done in the corner as I wanted, and still leaving space to hang some great artwork. Told you it was tiny.

From another angle.
This is wear my couch will sit. I am going to eventually cover it as I am so over the red. I am thinking a print of some sort, not sure yet, and definitely snuggle cushions and a rug of some sort. I also need to buy a lovely rug to lay in the middle as I am not thrilled with how the unit colour & the carpet kind of blend.
Now I am just adding in all of my books, some little collectibles I would like to display. I am not showing the finished result yet, as I am a rather fussy and will most likely rearrange several times until it's right. Even then I am sure I will change it around again. Now I need to find the right artwork for the walls.
When its done I will post it, should only be a couple of days.
Looks fantastic - can't wait to see it!
So lovely to create a space just for you! It's coming together beautifully! xx
Love the corner units! I love Ikea! You'll love being able to read in that space and encourage your brood to do the same when they get older.
That's a great way to arrange those units..I can already imagine them filled with books..some cushions on the floor and on your couch and some curtains up and the room will be a cosy library for you and the kids!
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