I don't like making excuses but I have truly missed writing in my blog this year. I have been so blessed that my little business has grown & keeping me very busy and occupied. Unfortunately when I am pressed for time, my writing space gets some terrible neglect. With both the kids home full time leaves me very little time to sit, surf, explore and blog about my passions I love. At At the end of the day I can only do what I can do, & my orders & my lovely customers are very important & I must keep them happy & interested in what I do. Lets face it they keep me at home & employed.
I was only thinking the other day why do women put so much pressure on ourselves. I know all about this as I am the number one offender. Like many of us I am incredibly ambitious, always have been. I like to take on more than I can chew whether it for business, pleasure or family. This is a snippet of my life, which I am positive will be a mirror version to so many other mums.
1. Look after my kids.
They are my number one priority, always will be, but MAN they are hard work.
Keeping them amused
Educating them
Going to the park, & lets be honest I don't always feel like it.
Running errands with them, which is nearly impossible unless they are eating.
Bathing them.
Constantly stopping them from destroying the house, asking them to not jump on that, please don't draw with that, eat over your plate, use 2 hands to hold your drink.....
Bribing them to eat their dinner
Leave each other alone
Don't snatch, hit, tease
2. Keep the house tidy.
Kind of.......I am over worrying about it as soon as I clean it & turn around somehow everything I have put away seems to sneak out again within the hour. My dream house, like in an interior mag will happen when I am an empty nester I have been told. Decades away!!
3. Exercise.
I was a fitness freak pre kids, & this has suffered worst than my blog. My poor body :0( I am a sucker for the "yummy mummy" syndrome. Too many glossy mags & celebrity mums take me on an unrealistic journey. I do realise that they look like they do because the have personal trainers, chefs, and full time nannies to watch the kids. But it doesn't stop me striving for great personal presentation.
4. Cooking.
With all of this Master Chef in my face, a bit of Donna Hay, & Jamie Oliver enticing me with so called ' easy meals' I find myself wasting time trying to damn well 'master' them. I wonder why I try as the kids never eat it anyway. Unfortunately I haven't been blessed with kids who eat 'everything'.
5. Getting enough sleep.
I work at night, & a bit when I can during the day when my youngest sleeps. When I go to bed depends on when I have finished what needs to be done. When I wake I have no control over it, as it all depends on when the little people's eye open & start demanding my attention. I wish I has a dollar for every time my mum told me, "You don't get enough sleep, you know it's not good to be burning the candle at both ends". Unfortunately at the moment it doesn't work that way.
6. Seeing my friends
A lot of my closest friends still don't have kids so going to dinner has become a challenge. That's OK though they get it, so we catch up every 6 weeks or so, & I go alone. the biggest positive of this is all of the new friends I have my lately, I feel so blessed. A lot of them from the handmade market scene. And a bunch of women I have Hudson to thank for this, as they have come into my world through activities for him. I have the best mothers group, great friends at his soccer class.
7. Guilt
Oh the guilt.........Not being able to do it all. I don't dwell on this as much anymore as I have come to realise I am only human & not a machine. I am doing the best I can with the hours I have, & the circumstances I am in, & I guess sometimes something have to give a little.
So this is my little list, I am sure it's very similar to yours :0)