It's a known fact that I love cushions!
I also love to search for all of the amazing designs & style available. To come up with ideas is hard, & it is so important to constantly search for inspiration. Never to copy, lets make that very clear, but to find that one colour, one detail, one character, or a surface pattern, that can provide me with an explosion of ideas for me to design & create.
I have started an inspiration board on
Pinterest, with all of the sweet lovelies that I come across. I wanted to share some of them with you today.
I love this pouffe & intend on making one myself one day.

I love spots they are such a clean simple way to add colour.

More pouffes. I think this image is divine, I love it. Especially loving the clock.

I love the simplicity of this design. Lots of felt circles, 2 layers of felt & each colour complimenting the other. All attached by a simple straight line. Simply divine.

I hope these colourful cushions have inspired your day.
Have a great Friday.