I am really excited as it's only a couple of days away until I start my new online course
"Blogging You Way", with the super and talented Holly from Decor8.
This is my daily read, I love it, it inspires me, and I am constantly in awe of the continuous content written daily, her inspiration, photographs, and everything that is beautiful.
It starts September 3 - October 4, 2010, with a quick intro day, and officially gets going on September 7th.
Course Topics include: Things to include in your blog template, Finding your niche & your voice, Writing from the heart, Creative post ideas, Overcoming fear & writer’s block, Sourcing your content, Photo copyright, Community building, Building your readership, Handling negativity, Marketing yourself successfully online + offline, Blog ads, Social networking, Tips for taking better blog photos and Styling your photographs to create a more personal blog (beginners/intermediate).

It will be great to see how not only how my blog improves, but to see how these tips and tricks help with my photography, presentation, and break down some of the writers block that comes to visit me regularly.
If you are participating in this I would love to know.
Looking forward to having you in class!!! :)
Holly xo
Thanks for providing the course Holly :)
me me! yes i'm doing the course too! just started and saw your post in the aussie thread, you stuck out to me with the 2 year old and 3 month old - same as me! Finding the time to do everything is a mission isn't it? looking forward to the rest of the course! p.s. your site looks like it's pumping already! :)
Luv Kat xox
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