Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Making time for me

A little while ago I wrote about my semi workaholic ways, & how this year my goal is to still achieve my goals, but to add in a bit more time for me. Sitting down and breathing has been a bit of a mantra in my head. I am thrilled to say I am definitely making some progress, & feel really happy about it. It's hard, & takes some work, to break out of routine which have been going on for a while now. I am feeling very determined though.

Things I am doing for me.

I am getting up earlier in the morning, about an hour or two. It's a very peaceful time of day,  the world is so still, I really enjoy it,  & I am also getting some work done. I have a cup of green tea which has taken some getting used to, as I am not a huge fan of it - I have found a minted flavoured one which has made it far more enjoyable. I get to answer emails peacefully without the kids hanging off me, it's also an opportunity to read my favourite blogs, and write my own. I am also getting some other work completed. The other necessary bonus is that because I have achieved this is the morning I get to have an hour or 2 a night to sit, chat & relax with my hubby, which is so important.

As already mentioned I am doing a short course which I am absolutely loving, and is feeding me creatively.

I have dedicated 2 nights a weeks for the gym. I was originally going in the mornings but have changed it around to suit me more. I am taking a body balance class, & think it's brilliant. It's one of the hardest classes I have every taken, & boy do I get a sweat going. I am usually a bit of a treadmill & weights junkie, & the change is so positive. I am not a flexible person so I am hoping to improve that too, as it's become worse after having knee surgery last September.

Lastly I want to spend more time in my garden. I am not a very good gardener, but I have this strange happiness when I am outside pottering around. I am not sure if it's the fresh air, the dirt, the plants, or the amount of exercise you get while doing it. Regardless it's great & gets my whole family together outside. I just wish I knew more about which plants go where, & what to plant. My yard is in need of some new greenery.

Such small changes, and so very simple are really doing wonders. It's hard at times as I don't want to get up, or I am too tired for the gym, or know in the back of my mind all the things I have to complete for work. But I am doing my very best.

Are there things that you are doing for you this year?

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