I have been having so much trouble lately with my kids & food, especially Hudson. He doesn't like this, and he doesn't like that. Of course a 3.5yr old cannot explain why he doesn't like these things, so it's a very frustrating thing. I am sure I am not the only mum who suffers this. I saw this recipe on Nick Jnr a while a go, on one of those kids cooking shows & made a mental note of it. Today I thought I would give it a go, based on what I could remember & improvise the rest.
This little meal took about 15-20mins including cooking & is a great nutritious and high protein meal for any time of the day.
Ingredients based on 1 serve
1 slice of bread
1 egg
I piece of ham
Grated cheese, about 1/4 cup
Oil spray
Cut the crust off the bread (or not) & roll flat with a rolling pin making it quite thin.
Spray a large muffin tine with oil spray & lay the bread inside poking it around until it resembles a case ready for the egg.
Whisk an egg, dice some ham, & add you cheese.
Pour the mixture into the bread cases & sprinkle with extra cheese.
In the oven on 200'c & cook for about 10-12mins, or until cooked on the inside, & golden brown on top.
They came out of the oven tray very easily.
Here they are cooked. I cut one in half & the cheese was so runny & delicious.
The verdict.....................
Personally I though they were delicious & so simple to make.
Charlotte as per usual ate hers, like she does with most of her meals.
Hudson as per usual told me he didn't like it. After some persuasion he took a bite & was very surprised & nibbled away at it slowly. I did make them a little on the cheesy side which I knew would help me get Hudson to eat them.
I urge you to give them a go, its such a basic recipe & I believe you could definitely add to this is SO SO many ways.
Enjoy xx
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