When you are about to start your next design, piece of art or craft project, what is the next thing you think of after making the decision of what you're creating? For some this process may even come first.

Everyone finds there own colour palettes somehow, it's either already made up in their head, or kind of know what colours they would like to use......But just not sure how they want to coordinate them, or with what other colours.
Even though I draw constantly, it doesn't mean I don't get stuck for colours. I generally tend to gravitate to certain palettes, but I too get bored & need other options and inspiration. After flicking around online & in mags, I then go to my faithful companion, which also a companion to many others.

For me this is a dictionary, even a bible of colour & print inspiration. I use it mainly for colour, & not much else. There are a tonne of other things on there you can use, but I only want to share my solution for colour palettes.
When you arrive there & you have had a look around, head over to the SEARCH tab & a drop box will appear. Click on palettes.
This is where my fun begins.
Where is says Keyword this is where you type in the colours you would like to search. Just because I can't help myself I typed in my 2 favourite colours I love coordinating together.
Turquoise & Raspberry (don't need to put in the &), hit search palettes.
A whole collection of colour palettes will appear with the 2 main colours you have searched for. Some will be tonal, others will be so unexpected & even coordinated with colours you never dreamed of teaming together. Ooohhh I just love that!!
These are palettes that others within the Colour Lovers community (which you can join), have created themselves and offer to share with everyone.

After doing my search, this is the palette that made my heart sing the most. If you click on your selected colour palette, a new window will show you who created it, & a break down of the palette itself. It's so lovely.

I did exactly the same thing with these colours. With boys in mind I searched navy taupe olive, and this is the palette that stood out for me.

Lastly to give you a bigger example I typed the key word rainbow, & look at what came up. I absolutely love all of the different interpretations others have when creating what they think are rainbows of colour. Just beautiful!
I could spend hours on here, & will admit I have, just playing around. I have had to limit my time & go in there when I am stuck & use it for my own purpose. When I am stuck & need a boost of inspirational colour. I hope it helps you when you're in a colour block situation.
Enjoy xx
oh i LOVE colourlovers. i play over there too (Penny Charming)...i get lost there for hours!
Gosh this looks like an awesome time waster!
Hi Kylie I found it the other day and was enchanted. This could be a serious time-waster for me! J x
Love it....popping over to have a play! THe other one I love is design seeds.
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